Times are Changing & Good Things are Coming!

Almost 5 years in and here we are!

I am one month away from the end of a 3 year studio lease, and it has brought a ton of questions about what the next season at tumble will look like. This is the first time in a long time that there is freedom to dream a new dream.

Is this the time to go bigger? Get the business loan, hire more people, move to a bigger studio and get an actual storefront with windows? My natural tendency is to be bold and impulsive. I am constantly plowing myself and the business forward. So while it feels like the natural choice to jump head first into a big ole commitment... it is NOT the choice I'm making.

It is terrifying to type that out. Knowing the decision I made is way more difficult for me and much more uncomfortable.  I have been able to sit with my decision for a few weeks and I have a ton of peace, but doubt does like to creep in. Worries about others perception of my choice keep ringing in my ear.  

Tumble has been my passion and purpose for almost 5 years now. I have poured all my time, talent, energy, and MONEY into making this business what it is. I am so PROUD of myself. I didn't have any clue how strong, resilient and brave I could be until running this thing. I have changed so much over the years and I have to give my business permission to do the same.

When I started Tumble I quit my corporate job, sold all my things and moved in with my parents. At 24 I didn't have much to lose. I figured I would give it all I had and if it didn't work out, I would find something else to do. It seemed really simple then.

A year and a half in, we out grew my parents house and it was time to look for a studio. I stumbled upon a space that needed so much TLC and came with a 3 year lease commitment attached to it. I was terrified!!! It was the biggest risk I had taken at that point, but I knew if I didn't bet on myself, that I would always regret it. 

We created a beautiful space for tumble to grow up in. There have been so many tears and laughs, along with growth and transformation in the last 3 years. Some months I didn't know how I would pay the rent and seasons I was at the studio more than my house. I fell in love with a boy who worked across the street from our shop and now were married and go to work together everyday.

We have hit milestones that I never dreamt of. Our community has supported and encouraged us in a profound way. We are successful because of each person who has purchased something, attended an event, or told a friend about our jewelry. 

The highs are high but the lows... they kick the wind out of you and leave you without firm footing. I have struggled with adrenal fatigue and crippling depression, not to mention the isolation and stress that often finds business owners and clings to them for dear life. I used to glorify the hustle holding myself to an unrealistic standard. My mind and body bear the scars of operating like that year after year. 

So for the foreseeable future, I am going to do the quiet, gentle thing. I am choosing myself and my family. I'm putting our goals first. We are scaling back. I have been on a journey to get myself healthy over the last year and I want to continue that even further. I want to be open and available to my friends and family. I want to buy a house instead of opening another retail location. I want to rest instead of hustle. I want to make things that excite me, even if its not jewelry.

I just need space and freedom for a while. I need time to figure out what I want tumble to grow into in the coming years. 

Practically speaking... (I'm very long winded, so thanks for hanging in there)

For many of you, the changes will be less visible. You'll still be able to shop online, or at in person pop up events and you can stay connected with us through social media and emails. 

For my local community things will be a touch different. Our STUDIO & SHOP will officially be CLOSING MARCH 7th! But again you can continue to shop online. Our full collection will also continue to be available in person at And Stuff, the retail collective were a part of in Nob Hill.

So for now we are still a jewelry company, haha. Even though I think about turning tumble into a different kind of business multiple times a day! But don't worry, if I decide to overhaul the whole thing, you'll be the first to know! 

It is my hope that you will come along for the ride with me, knowing that the only thing I'm certain of, is how much unknown lies head. I'm just going to listen to my intuition, be as authentic as I can and serve you to the best of my abilities (without compromising my wellness).

I am so thankful for this journey, it is teaching  and shaping me and the business into something I am proud of,


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