Recharging Rituals

As the sun makes itself more apparent, the realization of needing to hydrate is imperative. 

Hydrate the skin, 

the earth, 

your body.  

What kind of rituals are you bringing into this week and what kind of reminders do you need to set for yourself that will give you the time and space to recharge?

Mercury is almost out of retrograde and while the weirdness is still around us for a few more days, setting some intentions and rituals for the upcoming week might help you bring in this new cycle with a clear perspective. 

Here are some rituals we’re putting into practice..  

  1. We’re drinking more water! While this might seem like an obvious choice, it's often left by the wayside. Put it in a wine glass, drop in some sliced lemons, and be the main character that you are. 

  2. Recharge! Recharge those crystals. Take some uninterrupted time off. Recharge yourself however you see fit.

  3. Re-up that skincare routine. We were all about our skincare routines early this year but lately, we’re exhausted from all of the personal interactions, endless tasks, and climbing temperatures that we’re reaching for the pack of makeup wipes by the bed. We are here to tell you that it stops this week, even if for a little bit. Make a ritual of hydrating the vessel that carries you through the day.  

  4. We’re leveling up our shower game. We are spraying the calming mist, lighting the candles, playing our favorite indie mellow playlist, and making our showers feel like a spa because why not?!?!

Tag us in your new ritual


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